• Mercedes Benz Showroom


      High-quality vehicle presentation with a representative external effect -both has been achieved at the Mercedes Benz Showroom in Frankfurt through delineated light zones as a presentation area for new vehicles and by projection of colours and light movements on the inner sides of textile cones.

      Building type
      In­dus­try, Re­tail
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • Porsche Pavilion


      With its extraordinary design, the Porsche Pavilion adds to the urban character of the automotive theme park in the car-manufacturing city of Wolfsburg. The sculptural form of the pavilion has been discretely illuminated and integrates itself harmoniously into the landscape of the park and lagoon.
      Honored with the Engineering Award by the German Steelwork Association, 2013 as well as the designation "best architects 14". The ambitious structural design was made by Schlaich Bergermann und Partner from Berlin.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
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