House of One

On the foundations of the old Petri Church in Berlin, a new sacred building is being built that will unite the three monotheistic world religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam under one roof. It will be a house of encounter, for people of different religions to get to know each other and exchange ideas. Three sacred rooms are arranged around a central domed room. Above this, the building opens up to the city with a loggia and offers views over Berlin.

For the imposing dome room in the centre of the building, we developed a discreet wall luminaire with several lighting components. This allows us to illuminate the entire room as well as the dome in a balanced way with just a few luminaires. A universal luminaire in the same aesthetics, also developed by us, provides uniform illumination of the circulation areas throughout the building. In the sacred rooms, skylights optimised by us with different characteristics create an appropriate room atmosphere with daylight. At night, this is taken over by the precisely planned room lighting consisting of simple pendant and surface-mounted luminaires.

Related projects

    • Palace of Berlin – Humboldtforum


      The lighting design firm Lichtvision was commissioned to develop a concept to illuminate the facades of the Humboldt Forum. The result was an intentional lighting of the facades in terms of intensities of illumination and their distribution.
      The lighting design bathes the building in a uniform light. It accentuates the mighty presence of the Royal Palace in the heart of Berlin. The flat evenness of the light without much shadowing places priority on the building's three-dimensionality over its details so that it appears imposing and grand, especially from a distance. The height of the light points is necessary to avoid casting hard shadows and to create a uniform lighting.
      The designers' lighting specifications were based on standard luminaires. Their design then needed to be integrated into the light columns that also illuminated the exterior areas. KARDORFF was commissioned with achieving these two tasks by using one type of light column.
      First, the positions for the light columns were chosen by Kardorff Ingenieure to ensure that the entrances and views of the palace remained unobstructed. The desired light distribution at the defined positions had to be recalculated for the luminaires that can be used in Selux's LIF light column. The LIF light column was custom designed by Kardorff Ingenieure and has highly complex facade modules which can precisely aim individual LED using many separately adjustable deflective mirrors.
      This made it possible to achieve the same lighting effect even with another product and at other positions than Lichtvision had originally designed.
      As a result, the illumination of the square and the facade have been integrated into one luminaire.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture, Mu­se­um, Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2018 — 2022
    • Renovation Opera House and Theatre Cologne


      The historically listed building ensemble consisting of the opera house, theater, and opera terraces, built between 1954 and 1962 according to designs by the architect Wilhelm Riphahn, is slated for general renovation. The project is still in the planning stage. Completion (including the new children`s opera): 2015

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mon­u­ment, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Cologne
      Project time frame
      2015 — 2019
    • Castle Ziesar


      The old fortress structure is a modern center for culture and administration with the museum for medieval church and cultural history in Brandenburg, the chapel, the Bergfried tower, the local historical museum, the tourist information, the library, and the Ziesar government office.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture, Mu­se­um, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Ziesar
      Project time frame
    • German Health Ministry


      For the Federal Ministry of Health we designed wall lights made of massive glass blocks. Some of the glass blocks are backed with dichroic color filters and change the perceived color of light depending on the angle of vision. We used blue tones towards the window facade and orange and yellow filters towards the inner back wall.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture, Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2023