• B-One


      The new corporate headquarters for Berlin Hyp is intended to showcase the bank's sustainable vision while at the same time contributing to the urban development of the surrounding area. Planted terraces, a roof garden and a newly designed inner courtyard bring the greenery of the surrounding streets up to the roof. Photovoltaic modules are integrated into the natural stone façade grid to produce the bank's own electricity. The aim is to achieve DGNB Platinum certification.

      The building offers various zones for a wide range of activities, from active exchange in a team, with customers or in large groups, to concentrated work at individual workstations. Our lighting design includes the public areas such as entrances and atrium, the office floors and the outdoor areas. Workplace lighting controlled by smart technology with the help of sensors not only meets sustainability requirements, but also offers a high degree of individualisation.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2020 — 2024
    • Bundeskanzlerplatz


      The tower at the top of site is another landmark for Bonn.

      Three polygonal buildings around a common square define the Bundeskanzlerplatz. 66,000 m² gross floor area with state-of-the-art working environments in all three buildings, plus a large conference centre.
      We designed the lighting for the façade, the outdoor space, the lobbies and the skybar.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Bonn
      Project time frame
    • Hotel SLY, Berlin


      The sly is a new hotspot in the east of Berlin. The combination of modern design and a touch of Berlin history gives the hotel a unique aesthetic.

      The centrepiece of the hotel is the restaurant in the greenhouse. With numerous plants and a huge glass roof, the lighting was a major challenge. Clear and bright during the day as in the outdoor area and cosy and full of intimate atmosphere at night.

      Here, we developed a special luminaire consisting of two glass half-shells that can be planted in the space in between, creating a hanging garden above the guests' heads.

      The upper half-shell is partially mirrored and reflects the roof with the colour of the sky during the day. At night, the diffuse hemisphere inside the upper half shell is backlit and reflected in the dark, nocturnal glass surfaces.
      A downlight is mounted in the lower half shell and shines hard, brilliant light onto the tables with a warm light colour.

      This contrasts the coolness of the roof with the warmth of the tables.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • ONE


      A new landmark for Frankfurt: ONE.
      Light seems to rain down on the façade. A subtle, dynamic control system lets the light drip down the façade. Slow and calm in its lighting effect; yet spectacular for the effect of the building at night.

      Building type
      High­rise, Ho­tel, Of­fice, Hos­pi­tal­i­ty
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • ONE - nhow Hotel


      We planned the hotel lighting in the Tower ONE skyscraper in Frankfurt: Rooms, rooftop bar, conference areas and lobbies in close collaboration with the interior designers from Madrid.

      Building type
      Ho­tel, Hos­pi­tal­i­ty
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • Optineo


      Optineo, designed by Nieto Sobejano, is a high-rise office building in the Werksviertel of Munich. It forms the striking entrance to the quarter and can already be seen from the Ostbahnhof station. KPMG is the sole tenant of the building complex and asked the project developer Wöhr und Bauer to commission us with the lighting design for almost all areas, after we had already planned the locations in Berlin and Cologne for KPMG. In addition to the atmospheric luminaires for the office areas and the lighting for the restaurants and conference areas, special luminaires were developed for the two foyers. Several polygons in the large foyer, which were produced in a double-curved form for the first time. We used virtual reality to visualize the arrangement in the room (Foto 4), giving the client the opportunity to experience the result in advance. The hemisphere in the smaller foyer doubles in the mirror ring to form a floating sphere.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
      2020 — 2024
    • Mr. Spex


      We received two lighting design commissions: From the investor Blackrock and the user Mr. Spex. This made comprehensive lighting design possible. We developed a mounting system for the luminaires and acoustic panels, which is being used here for the first time. First, two tracks are mounted parallel to the façade; only one is a lighting track. This means that there is only one power supply to all the luminaires across the entire area. This has enabled us to keep the open ceilings tidy.
      For the corridor lighting, we use the electrical routes and guide the light as a path through the building for orientation and structure.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2022 — 2024
    • Konferenzzentrum Mauerstrasse


      3 ministries share a large conference center in Berlin Mitte on Mauerstrasse. We were able to optimize the daylight glare with fabric louvers. The lighting can create a wide variety of moods and specifically increase the blue of the sky light. The pictures show the full spectrum of possibilities.
      In addition, there was the development of special luminaires: A luminous mobile with dichroic filters and solid glass blocks, and glass luminaires filled in the entrance to the Ministry of Family, Women, Children and Senior Citizens.
      Both luminaires were developed by us for the project.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2021 — 2023
    • German Health Ministry


      For the Federal Ministry of Health we designed wall lights made of massive glass blocks. Some of the glass blocks are backed with dichroic color filters and change the perceived color of light depending on the angle of vision. We used blue tones towards the window facade and orange and yellow filters towards the inner back wall.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture, Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2023
    • Dusseldorf Konigsallee


      A new boulevard running parallel to the famous KÖ has been developed for shops and offices.

      Building type
      Re­tail, Cul­ture
      Europe, Germany, Düsseldorf
      Project time frame
    • House of Brandenburg´s History


      A museum in a former depot. We illuminated the exhibit with only two light channels. Recessed luminaires light the ceilings and show off the cross vaults. Spotlights set the scene for the exhibited objects. As a result of the close cooperation with the exhibit's designer, Prof. Detlef Saalfeld, it was possible to design a top-quality exhibit on a low budget.

      Building type
      Mu­se­um, Cul­ture
      Europe, Germany, Potsdam
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2023
    • House Haller


      A world-ranking educational institution came into being in Hamburg. In eight buildings near the Außenalster internationally renowned scientists will do research on current topics and continue to learn together. Their findings will be shared with the public in an auditorium.
      Haller House was the first of these buildings to be completed and already houses scientists and researchers. We illuminated this heritage building with great restraint yet strong accentuation of its architectural structure. One special feature is the staircase lighting. It consists of an arrangement of simple balls of light that are fitted with special LED boards to deliver long-term, high-quality light. Close cooperation with the aspiring and detail-oriented interior designer, Ms. Klatten, made this degree of quality possible.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mon­u­ment
      Europe, Germany, Hamburg
      Project time frame
      2020 — 2023
    • Montblanc House


      The facade has 450 DMX-controlled lighting fixtures that offer endless possibilities for setting the scene. Additional spotlights have been positioned in the landscape in invisible niches to illuminate the dark areas of the facade. For special events, there are places to position temporary projectors which can be easily integrated into the control system. The lighting in the museum and its shop is designed to optimally present the writing implements, given their small formats.

      Building type
      Re­tail, Mu­se­um, Cul­ture, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Hamburg
      Project time frame
      2016 — 2022
    • ZEBRA Deloitte


      The facade in its progression, materials, lighting and detail was designed by us. It is the unique feature of the ZEBRA located on Frankfurt's Europaallee. The lighting for the work areas reflects the work environments developed by Deloitte and illuminates the different areas with spotlights and decorative luminaires to give expression to the utmost individualization of each area.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2022
    • AVUS Grandstand


      AVUS was the world's first race track for cars and the grandstand is now its only remaining visible element. The building contractor saved the grandstand from falling into ruin and our lighting design is now a gesture of welcome and a wave of farewell when you arrive or depart from Berlin via Autobahn. A Berlin landmark, just like the Funkturm and the ICC right next door.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2020 — 2022
    • DFB-Academy


      The German Football Association (DFB) is Germany's largest athletic association. But it did not have a national training center. Which makes the DFB Academy a highly unique project–a new kind of space meant to bring together people of all ages and athletic abilities.
      The architects use a large boulevard to connect the large complex of offices, playing fields, restaurants, fitness and hotel rooms.
      The concept for the lighting design is based on the idea of an outside boulevard. The colors for the ceiling areas were chosen by us to be in two different blue tones without any lighting fixtures mounted in this "sky," the illumination of which is of central importance to create the illusion of light from above all the way down into the darkest areas.
      The lighting on the city boulevard below it is animated and varied making the 230-meter-long route a diverting and entertaining one.
      We designed a six-meter-high tree made of lights to serve as the central feature on the market square. It is constructed out of high jumping poles and consciously symbolizes a niche sport in the DFB.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
      2017 — 2022
    • Heinrich Campus


      The workplace as a stage with the most diverse range of areas.
      The lighting design here is based on a system of busbars that are very flexibly fitted with different kinds of luminaires.
      A luminous color of 3000 K and the brilliance of the luminaires, together with the materials, create a special kind of coziness with a highly pleasant liveability in the rooms.

      The foyer and the two floors in the entrance area are multifunctional. A grid of flush-mounted busbars and downlights are integrated into the lamellar structure of the ceiling.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Düsseldorf
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2022
    • KANSO


      Kanso - a house between a hotel and a private apartment. The lighting design finds the balance between the function, individuality and durability.
      The facade is given a striking appearance by the backlit frames. This detail could be brought into the project by us.

      Building type
      Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, Res­i­den­tial
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
      2021 — 2022
    • Palace of Berlin – Humboldtforum


      The lighting design firm Lichtvision was commissioned to develop a concept to illuminate the facades of the Humboldt Forum. The result was an intentional lighting of the facades in terms of intensities of illumination and their distribution.
      The lighting design bathes the building in a uniform light. It accentuates the mighty presence of the Royal Palace in the heart of Berlin. The flat evenness of the light without much shadowing places priority on the building's three-dimensionality over its details so that it appears imposing and grand, especially from a distance. The height of the light points is necessary to avoid casting hard shadows and to create a uniform lighting.
      The designers' lighting specifications were based on standard luminaires. Their design then needed to be integrated into the light columns that also illuminated the exterior areas. KARDORFF was commissioned with achieving these two tasks by using one type of light column.
      First, the positions for the light columns were chosen by Kardorff Ingenieure to ensure that the entrances and views of the palace remained unobstructed. The desired light distribution at the defined positions had to be recalculated for the luminaires that can be used in Selux's LIF light column. The LIF light column was custom designed by Kardorff Ingenieure and has highly complex facade modules which can precisely aim individual LED using many separately adjustable deflective mirrors.
      This made it possible to achieve the same lighting effect even with another product and at other positions than Lichtvision had originally designed.
      As a result, the illumination of the square and the facade have been integrated into one luminaire.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture, Mu­se­um, Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2018 — 2022
    • Schumacher Quartier


      In the Schumacher Quartier, over 5,000 flats for more than 10,000 people are being built in a lively, urban environment. Innovative construction methods, a climate-neutral energy supply, high energy standards and new models for mobility will characterise the quarter. The technologies needed for this are largely being researched and developed next door on the site of the former Tegel Airport.

      As with the neighbouring Urban Tech Republic research and industrial park, we are planning the lighting for the public streets and squares. Multifunctional light columns developed by us meet the requirements of the future-oriented and sustainable Smart City. These can be equipped in different ways and, in addition to lighting components, can accommodate technology for communication and security as well as e-charging stations.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2018 — 2022
    • Cafe Fossil


      A restaurant in the Museum of Natural History with a nod to footprints on the ceilings. Most young visitors immediately recognize its symbolism.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Stuttgart
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2021
    • DFB-Light-Tree


      The DFB Academy's market square serves as its central entrance and main hub. A lighted sculpture was designed to have a far-reaching effect and enhance the atmosphere and identity of this square. The motif behind the concept of the custom-made luminaire was the image of bulrushes swaying in the wind. The lighted tree is made of eight, pre-bent steel tubes coated with flexible, colored GRP sticks, each of which has a luminous object mounted on it. The interplay and inclinations were parametrically modelled by our development team using grasshopper (see image).

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2021
    • House of One


      On the foundations of the old Petri Church in Berlin, a new sacred building is being built that will unite the three monotheistic world religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam under one roof. It will be a house of encounter, for people of different religions to get to know each other and exchange ideas. Three sacred rooms are arranged around a central domed room. Above this, the building opens up to the city with a loggia and offers views over Berlin.

      For the imposing dome room in the centre of the building, we developed a discreet wall luminaire with several lighting components. This allows us to illuminate the entire room as well as the dome in a balanced way with just a few luminaires. A universal luminaire in the same aesthetics, also developed by us, provides uniform illumination of the circulation areas throughout the building. In the sacred rooms, skylights optimised by us with different characteristics create an appropriate room atmosphere with daylight. At night, this is taken over by the precisely planned room lighting consisting of simple pendant and surface-mounted luminaires.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2021
    • Urban Tech Republic


      A research and industrial park for new technologies is being built on the site of the former Tegel Airport. The Urban Tech Republic is to become a place of innovation for the next generation, whose most important drive is collaboration. The concept was the first commercial quarter worldwide to be awarded the DGNB platinum pre-certificate.

      For the project, we are planning the lighting of the public streets and squares. Multifunctional light columns developed by us meet the requirements of the future-oriented and sustainable Smart City. These can be equipped in different ways and, in addition to lighting components, can also accommodate technology for communication, networking and security as well as e-charging stations.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2021
    • Bucerius Artforum


      Next to Hamburg's City Hall is a special kind of art museum: The Bucerius Kunst Forum does not have its own collection. It hosts temporary exhibits of loaned artworks and thus requires completely flexible lighting. The museum was advised for many years by Harry Mayer on all aspects involving light. He wished that the special spotlights be retained in the new rooms. So we integrated spots into recessed light channels alongside the luminous ceiling panels. We designed the light channels to have full access to the spotlights so that they can be optimally adjusted. A specially designed extruded aluminum sheath integrates the mounting positions for the luminous ceiling panels making it possible to achieve very fine and precise details. A 3-D spatial analysis has found that it is possible to perfectly illuminate every artform and arrangement.

      Building type
      Mu­se­um, Cul­ture
      Europe, Germany, Hamburg
      Project time frame
    • Hotel Aletto


      The Aletto Hotel Potsdamer Platz is more than just a hotel. It has all sorts of rooms for micro-fairs, events or pop-up stores. These rooms are multifunctional in their lighting in order to do justice to a wide variety of needs.
      In the areas used for pop-up stores, a busbar has been integrated into a complex, multifunctional mounted rail display system. The structure's design and arrangement also takes normal hotel operations into account. Cylindrical surface-mounted downlights with busbar adapters and swiveling reflectors provide general lighting. This is supplemented by decorative pendant luminaires on rails.
      Standing as a highlight on the rooftop terrace looking out over the city is an over-sized and eye-catching outdoor standing lamp.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2019 — 2020
    • Martins Church Kassel


      St. Martin's Church in Kassel is the seat of the Bishop of Kurhessen-Waldeck. The church is frequently used for events and thus requires highly flexible options for lighting the interior of the church. At the same time, the simple lighting from the 1950s, which had come to be well loved, was to be retained at the congregation's request.
      The solution combined the old glass pendant luminaires with new, freely adjustable LED spotlights on the cross vaults to illuminate the stage and alter room, the organ and special works of art.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Kassel
      Project time frame
      2014 — 2020
    • MY.B


      The structure of the "MY.B" facade, with the building's striking soffits and length, led to the idea of illuminating the facade using laser projection.
      The soffits stick out as the prominent structural feature of the building's form and serve as the perfect backdrop for the glancing views along the front. The dynamic of the commuters coming into the city in the morning and leaving in the evenings going northward can be experienced in the similar movement of the light.
      The newest generation of laser technology and automation are used on the "MY.B" building.
      Depending on the situation, the lighting can vary between restrained static motifs and very dynamic geometries with long-distance effects.
      The system consists of two laser projectors that are integrated into bespoke outdoor cases that have been mounted on the upper section of the columns.
      Power consumption is about 90 to 150 Watts max. per projector, which is, for this specific use, about 50% below the requirements for LEED Gold or Platinum Certification and can therefore be considered as the most energy-efficient facade lighting.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2017 — 2020
    • Alter Wall


      The architectural ensemble at Alter Wall 2-32 is composed of five buildings directly next to Hamburg's City Hall. The historically listed block was renovated to house shops, restaurants and high-end office space, including a large interior courtyard. Central importance has been given to the new Bucerius Passage, an arcade with bridge that now serves as a new and important passageway in Hamburg's city center.
      We designed special lighting fixtures for this arcade: a pendant luminaire of a hyperboloid construction that is distinguished by interlaced metal bars from which light rings hang. Hidden in these rings are fixed light points that illuminate the floors and ceilings of the passageway and colonnade. The dimensions of the lighting fixtures vary widely depending on their position in order to match the given spatial dimensions.
      These large-format light objects create a light motif visible from afar that harks back to the grand historical Alster arcades and gives this special place a festive atmosphere in the evenings.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Mon­u­ment
      Europe, Germany, Hamburg
      Project time frame
      2016 — 2019
    • Cinedom Cologne


      The multiplex cinema Cinedom in the Mediapark Cologne with almost 4000 seats and a gross floor space of more than 25.000 m² is one of the largest cinemas in Germany. With projections, accent lighting and selected materials, the event venue was set in scene, using the metaphor "stage space".

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Cologne
      Project time frame
    • FLOAT


      In the Media Harbour of Dusseldorf, the office complex "FLOAT“ represents an architectural highlight, conceptualised by Pritzker-Award winner Renzo Piano. Kardorff Ingenieure were involved in the project for all aspects of artificial light and daylight planning.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Düsseldorf
      Project time frame
    • Kaiser Hof


      Kaiser Hof is positioned as an exclusive office property on Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring in Cologne. The lighting concept supports the bright and communicative atmosphere of the 12,000 m² rental area. A room-high mirror in the entrance area visually multiplies the distinctive object luminaires.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Cologne
      Project time frame
    • L'Osteria Restaurants


      The lighting strategy for FR L’Osteria GmbH in Munich can be described als Lighting Design 2.0: we developed a catalogue and how-to instructions for LED-Replacement in the over 100 different Restaurants. All franchisees can communicate with manufacturers via a guideline for light source replacement in order make reordering easy and maintain light quality. In addition, we designed a bespoke luminaire that is used in the newly built restaurants and serves as pendant and standing luminaire. It has gained the Red Dot Design Award. The interior design of the restaurants and the lighting design concept in the existing locations has been designed by Dipphold Innenarchitektur and Soda Group.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany
      Project time frame
    • Renovation Opera House and Theatre Cologne


      The historically listed building ensemble consisting of the opera house, theater, and opera terraces, built between 1954 and 1962 according to designs by the architect Wilhelm Riphahn, is slated for general renovation. The project is still in the planning stage. Completion (including the new children`s opera): 2015

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mon­u­ment, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Cologne
      Project time frame
      2015 — 2019
    • UCI Gropiuspassagen


      UCI Gropiuspassagen has been transformed to a luxury cinema of the brand UCI luxe, for which we developed a lighting strategy and individual light planning of the cinemas. The lighting concept supports the corporate identity of the cinema brand. The lighting sculpture in the foyer is made of bespoke lighting rods.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • UCI Luxe Mercedes Square


      The UCI luxe Mercedes Platz is a flagship of the new luxury cinema brand from UCI Multiplex GmbH, for which we developed a lighting master plan. A common lighting design was given to entrance zones, walking areas, hospitality areas, WCs and hall lighting. The foyer eye catcher is a bespoke solution and varies in the different cinemas.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • UCI Potsdam


      UCI Potsdam has been transformed to a luxury cinema of the brand UCI luxe, for which we developed a lighting strategy and individual light planning of the cinemas. The lighting concept supports the corporate identity of the cinema brand. The lighting sculpture that we designed uses 400 lighting spheres.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Potsdam
      Project time frame
    • VIP-Area Volkswagen Arena


      The VIP area of Volkswagen Arena is revealed in a new light after a comprehensive restoration of the ceiling. Linear luminaires in a square arrangement and square luminaires help to define the different areas of the large space. The VIP rooms are used for diverse events, and with different white and color light tones, different usage atmospheres can be created. At football matches, for instance, the colored indirect light emittance of the luminaires can react to goal celebration and contribute to the experience.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • Fritz & Felix - Restaurant in Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa


      Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa in Baden-Baden has been an impressive grand-hotel since 1872. For the innovative restaurant Fritz & Felix, we developed a lighting concept that uses modern LED technology to create an adequate light intensity, ambiance and brilliance.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Baden-Baden
      Project time frame
    • KPMG Berlin


      The new headquarters of KPMG AG Advisory Services are situated in direct neighbourhood to Berlin main station and the government district. The lighting concept features integrated facade uplighting. It supports the facade structure with vertical pilaster strips and ceiling plates that vary in their protrusions and setbacks. Through the asymmetric lighting in the facade setbacks, different impressions are produced related to different perspectives. The building aims
      to be certified with DGNB Platin.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Masterplan Autostadt


      We designed numerous projects in the Autostadt Wolfsburg. The attractions are being updated and redone

      Building type
      In­dus­try, Cul­ture
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • Mercedes Square


      Mercedes Platz is a new address for concerts, cinema and entertainment and has the highest screen density in Berlin. Screens on facades and media steles can be controlled in a coordinated way and empower a unique open-air media experience. We planned the interplay between all lighting elements on the square and the adjacent facades.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • SIGNA Real Estate Berlin


      The German headquarter of the largest project developer in Europe is located at the top of the Upper West Tower in Berlin. The interior design captivates with its unusual concept. Materials inspired by industry, such as metal and concrete, combine with the more domestic woods and textiles to yield a contrast-rich interior with an especially warm lighting atmosphere.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Volkswagen Headquarters Germany


      The multistorey administrative building completed in 1959 underwent thorough refurbishment to meet contemporary expectations of a corporate headquarters. The building received two new entrances with flying roofs that noticeably complement the older building.
      The office lighting design has linear lighting fixtures integrated into the ceiling. The arrangement of luminaires underscores the lightness and refinement of the building in its nocturnal effect. At our suggestion, the luminaires are placed in a channel custom designed by us to include all of the building automation: sprinklers, loudspeakers, ventilation outlets, etc. The space in which to position all of these elements was very constricted, making their placement in the channel a particular challenge that had to be closely coordinated with the architects and building technicians. As a result, the ceiling is now extremely clear in its structure and remains free of any other fixtures or installations.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Mon­u­ment, In­dus­try
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
      2013 — 2018
    • Apassionata Showpalace


      The Apassionata Show Palace in Munich is the first element of the new leisure attraction, the Apassionata Park. The Show Palace distinguishes itself with its forceful architectural language that impressively translates the theme of equine adventure into built structures. Light serves as a central component of architectural expression. We were responsible for the facade lighting and the illumination of the foyer with a dynamic lighting installation. 

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Recre­ation, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
    • Hall 12 Frankfurt Fair


      Hall 12 is a new building and the Frankfurt Fair's most modern exhibition hall. It is surrounded by restaurants and a corridor connecting all of the halls. The lighting combines the different atmospheres that need to make an impact, even during the day.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
      2015 — 2017
    • Hotel Pullman Berlin


      The Hotel Pullman Berlin Schweizer Hof chooses a light sculpture for the entrance lobby. Due to the seasons and the events of the hotel, moods are staged by light. The possibilities of playing a 3D LED matrix range from waves and volumes to displaying simple motifs in all colours.

      Building type
      Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Art Invest Headquarters


      With the modernization of the office building at Enggasse 3 in Cologne, Art Invest Real Estate has put to use new technical solutions for office space lighting in its own headquarters.
      The functional lighting is designed to align with the circadian rhythm. The lighting control system adjusts the color temperature and illumination intensity to match the progression of the day. The program can be overridden by the user to adjust the light in a given room. The glare-free and homogeneous direct light, the authentic appearance of the indirect components and the mixing of the two color temperatures were determined specifically for this project in cooperation with the manufacturer, thus jointly advancing the product's development

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Cologne
      Project time frame
      2016 — 2017
    • Lufthansa Airbus A-350


      The Airbus A-350 from Lufthansa is the first airplane, where the daylight acts as a role model to the first all LED lighting. Warm light colours for relaxation and cool light colours to activate with all harmonious dynamic lighting scenes. For the first time the cabin lighting combines functional aspects with comfort and biodynamic lighting.

      Building type
      In­dus­try, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany
      Project time frame
    • Mercedes Benz Showroom


      High-quality vehicle presentation with a representative external effect -both has been achieved at the Mercedes Benz Showroom in Frankfurt through delineated light zones as a presentation area for new vehicles and by projection of colours and light movements on the inner sides of textile cones.

      Building type
      In­dus­try, Re­tail
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • Palais Holler


      The representative office and retail building fits seamlessly into the magnificient buildings at the boulevard Kurfürstendamm in Berlin. In addition to the facade, the garden in the courtyard and all public areas in the building were illuminated by Kardorff Ingenieure. The careful detailing of all design elements as well as the noble materials are set in scene.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Promenade Square


      The Promenade Square in Munich is one the most prominent areas of the city. The subtle facade lighting blends the building with its surrounding.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
    • Romanpark


      High-end living quarters in Munich with an elegant lobby and matching luminaires. We designed the lobbies, outside and general areas.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
      2016 — 2017
    • Sansibar


      In addition to Sylt and Düsseldorf, the Stuttgart Sansibar (Zanzibar) is the third restaurant of the Sylt cult brand. In cooperation with the Engineering Office FachWerk, Kardorff planned the lighting and the lighting control as well as the media and sound system. Variable scenes with maritime character were created for an optimal ambience and well-being from breakfast to after-work-party.

      Building type
      Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Stuttgart
      Project time frame
    • Schlüterstrasse 40


      Facade lighting for a residential and commercial building in a side street of the Kurfürstendamm Berlin.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • ZeitHaus – Design Icons


      The exhibit of the automobile icons has been updated. We used color-changing luminaires that have been calibrated to each automotive paint and its color. As a result, the icons gleam even more impressively.

      Building type
      Mu­se­um, Cul­ture
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church


      With only 16 instead of 32 headlights, the facade of the Berlin city-West's historical landmark is illuminated. Thanks to the energy-efficient LED technology, the old tower ruin is set up with an upwards diminishing light intensity. Thus, detrimental scattered light is avoided and the blue windows of the buildings keep their original effect.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Turmcenter


      The changing golden light ceiling element was developed by Kardorff Ingenieure uniquely for this project. The lights shine between two metal lattice planes to ensure a special depth effect like a Moirée. A mirror installed on the back side of the lobby additionally stretches the perspective of the hall.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • Atrium Tower


      Extensive modernization of the former Debis building with the Renzo Piano Building Workshop. Kardorff Ingenieure supervised the DGNB gold-certified project from planning to execution for the 22-storey, 106 meter-high office tower, the spectacular atrium with adjacent lobbies and entrances, as well as the new exterior illumination. Already completed in 2015, the Sky Office showroom is located on the eleventh floor.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa


      The luxury hotel presents itself as a city oasis surrounded by beautiful parkland. Equipped with elegant rooms, antique furniture, Italian marble and exclusive spa facilities, the lighting design creates a personal, informal atmosphere.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Baden-Baden
      Project time frame
    • Bridge in Neuwied


      As a result of relandscaping, the space beneath the Raiffeisen Bridge can now be actively used by the public. At night our light capitals on the bridge pylons provide for an attractive and safe environment.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space, In­fra­struc­ture, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Neuwied
      Project time frame
    • Charlottenhofe


      New residential building in Berlin City West inspired by Art Deco which fits into the historic streetscape. The lighting concept complements the architecture’s elegance. Custom made lamps convey its historic charm amid the urban lifestyle.

      Building type
      Res­i­den­tial, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Heilig-Geist-Passage


      Following the motto "light attracts people" the DomAquarée passage was shaped more friendly and inviting by installing large pendant luminaires. For additional extraordinary lighting effects cylindrical hanging lamps were designed. By using controllable LED rings inside different light scenarios are possible. These possibilities reach from atmospheric lighting with warm white light in the evening to dynamic, colored setups for special occasions.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Re­tail, Res­i­den­tial, Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Bugatti Engine


      An engine as a sculpted work of art: this is how Bugatti presents its W 16 engine in the Premium Clubhouse in Wolfsburg. A central platform with a reflective black surface serves as a pedestal. The engine appears to be almost levitating in the light designed by Kardorff Ingenieure with small recessed luminaires.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


      Between the Charité and the banks of the Spree, not far from the main train station, is the new location for the administrative seat of the Federal Ministry.
      The building has been given “gold” according to the standards for sustainable construction of federal buildings (Nachhaltiges Bauen für Bundesgebäude / BNB); certification according to “DGNB Gold” is being striven for.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Burgerparkareal


      With the new Bürgerpark and the Civic Center, a contemporary cultural setting has been created for Reutlingen at the entrance to the medieval city. Following the main objectives of carving out visual axes, marking pathways, and preserving natural space, the new lighting reinforces the functional purpose and evening atmosphere of this important urban space.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Reutlingen
      Project time frame
    • Hessen State Museum


      Reopening following
      general refurbishment of one of the largest museums in Germany. Drawing on state-of-the-art LED technology, the exhibit lighting highlights the diversity of this historic and universal museum by Alfred Messel.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Darmstadt
      Project time frame
    • Ring of Light


      For the 2014 state garden show in Giessen, artist Monika Goetz placed a lighted ring above a 150 year-old oak. Kardorff Ingenieure assisted the artist in realizing the lighting.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Giessen
      Project time frame
    • Trianon


      The Trianon is one of the highest skyscrapers in Frankfurt. Kardorff Ingenieure’s design for the ceiling and lighting shapes the new image of the building from the street facade through the lobby all the way to the elevators.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • Old Market Square Stralsund


      The existing wall luminaires on the old market place in Stralsund (townhouses and city hall) were optimized and supplemented. The facade of the city hall was lit with exactitude using projection spotlights (see the project “Stadthaus”) and the church brightened with floodlights.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Stralsund
      Project time frame
    • Driving Attraction "Ausfahrt"


      The new driving attraction offers car buyers the opportunity to familiarize themselves with their new vehicle and all its technical assistance systems. An impressive construction in the form of a leaf covers the specially designed driving area. Volkswagen customers are advised and attended to in the adjacent service pavilion. The impressive structure was designed by Schlaich Bergermann und Partner from Berlin. Kardorff Ingenieure Lighting Design was responsible for the whole lighting concept.

      Building type
      Re­tail, Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • Humboldt Palais


      With the Humboldt Palais on Hegelplatz in Berlin Mitte, the property developer BUWOG has realized a new construction project offering exclusive residential space. The upscale commercial area on the ground floor will house a complex temporary light/space installation until the tenant has moved in.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • InterCityHotel Berlin


      This hotel belonging to the Steigenberger Group is part of the Europacity development around Berlin’s main train station. The facade lighting designed by Kardorff responds to the different vantage points from which the building can be viewed. The hotel was awarded the gold DGNB sustainability certification by the German Sustainable Building Council.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • KölnTurm Lobby


      The KölnTurm is the highest office building in Cologne. Its façade by Jean Nouvel has become emblematic of the Cologne Media
      Park. The newly designed lobby was upgraded with an impressive wall of light and a media reception counter.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Cologne
      Project time frame
    • KunstHalle Deutsche Bank


      The art gallery in the Deutsche Bank’s Berlin headquarters is an established platform for international contemporary art. Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung designed the new KunstHalle entrance, which with its walls of LED light is visible from far away.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • McFIT


      The gym McFIT has introduced new lighting to its Corporate Line. Engineers at Kardorff have developed individual light rooms for each training area.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Hamburg
      Project time frame
    • Mercedes-Benz Salescenter


      The Mercedes-Benz building contains office space for 1,200 employees, an impressive vehicle showroom, and a restaurant. Kardorff Ingenieure was responsible for designing the lighting of the inner areas and facade.

      Building type
      Of­fice, In­dus­try
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Museum for Architectural Drawing


      The 2015 German Prize for Lighting Design in the category Museum was awarded to Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung.
      This private museum for architectural drawing located in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg not only displays the collection of the Tchoban Foundation, but also the collections of internationally leading cultural institutions.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Museum Wiesbaden


      Since May 2013, the Wiesbaden Museum has displayed its collection of old masters in the remodeled and newly organized south wing. The lighting concept designed by us for the exhibit has been implemented, including the illumination of the individual exhibits.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Wiesbaden
      Project time frame
    • AUDI Highlight-Tower


      The 31 meter-high “Highlight Tower” of the Audi dealership in the Berlin neighborhood of Adlershof forms a new landmark that can be seen from a distance. The exhibited vehicles have been illuminated in an extremely energy-efficient manner using LED spotlights and are visible from all sides without any interruptive glare.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Zeiss Staff Cafeteria


      For the main production facility of the Carl Zeiss AG in Oberkochen, a new restaurant for the staff was designed, which not only serves as the main focus of the lunch break, but also as a central point for meeting and communication.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Oberkochen
      Project time frame
    • Airport Berlin Brandenburg International


      Commissioned by the planning consortium pg bbi, consisting of GMP and JSK, Kardorff Ingenieure designed the lighting from the basic evaluation to the conceptual design. The lighting scheme uses extremely long-lived lamps, such as inductive fluorescent lamps to make the lowest maintenance costs possible.

      Building type
      In­fra­struc­ture, Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      2011 — 2012
    • House Rissen


      Founded in 1954, the non-profit institute Haus Rissen is a private, impartial and independent educational institute focusing on global issues in politics and economics.
      We designed the lighting for all of the interior spaces and the facade during the remodeling undertaken in 2012.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Hamburg
      Project time frame
    • Lumières – Frederick II


      A word-light installation for the 300th birthday anniversary of Frederick the Great. Using lasers, the poems of the Prussian king were projected on to the facades of the Humboldt University in Berlin and the Altes Palais. Artistic direction:  Gabriele von Kardorff

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Marlene-Dietrich-Square


      Between the Potsdamer Platz and the Kulturforum in Berlin, the Marlene-Dietrich-Platz serves as the entrance to the Casino and Musical Theater Adagio. To animate and enhance the atmosphere of the square, a dramatic lighting was chosen whose effect is
      reminiscent of a catwalk.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Porsche Pavilion


      With its extraordinary design, the Porsche Pavilion adds to the urban character of the automotive theme park in the car-manufacturing city of Wolfsburg. The sculptural form of the pavilion has been discretely illuminated and integrates itself harmoniously into the landscape of the park and lagoon.
      Honored with the Engineering Award by the German Steelwork Association, 2013 as well as the designation "best architects 14". The ambitious structural design was made by Schlaich Bergermann und Partner from Berlin.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • Vodafone Campus


      The innovative architectural design of the new headquarters for Vodafone in Germany reflects the team-oriented corporate structure. It connects high user quality with energy efficiency. The building is certified with LEED gold.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Düsseldorf
      Project time frame
    • F40


      The 2013 German Prize for Lighting Design in the category External Lighting was awarded to Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung: The commercial building at Friedrichstrasse 40 closes the last gap in the urban axis. The project was also recognized with the distinction "best architects 12".

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Museum Kunstpalast


      The innovative lighting concept with LED technology was newly designed and implemented for the foyer and two wings of the museum in Düsseldorf. The glass mosaic window by J.T. Prikker in the foyer has been lit from outside with a projection technique
      using glass filters. Regardless of the sunlight, the window can display its special effect.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Düsseldorf
      Project time frame
    • OLED Pendant Luminaire


      The world’s largest OLED chandelier according to a design by Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung hangs in the presence of highly prominent art. It is suspended over seven meters in the stairwell of a foyer.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Sevens Shopping Mall


      The SEVENS is a shopping mall on Düsseldorf’s Königsallee, one of the most exclusive shopping boulevards in Germany. Kardorff Ingenieure was responsible for the illumination of the public spaces, as well as the entrance to the shopping mall. For the food court on the ground level, the luminaire family “Galanthus” was developed as a special lighting fixture.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Düsseldorf
      Project time frame
    • Spiegel Headquarters


      The new Spiegel headquarters on the Ericusspitze forms the gateway to Hamburg’s HafenCity. The design by Henning Larsen Architects for the prominent structure won the international competition in 2007. Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung designed the lighting for the special areas and the central atrium.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Hamburg
      Project time frame
    • Study Marlene-Dietrich-Square


      To increase the attractiveness and enhance the Marlene Dietrich Platz, heliostats reflecting natural light onto the square were placed on the adjacent buildings. In addition, new artificial lighting is intended for the square and the large projecting roof.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • ZeitHaus


      An innovative lighting concept was developed for the ZeitHaus in this car-manufacturing city. Mirrored ceilings allow for new angles of perspective for viewing the exhibits and also make the vehicles visible from the outside. LED lamps provide for an optimal and bright illumination of the vehicles. Their placement creates a uniform pattern of light.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • Terminal C Schonefeld Airport


      BauWerke designed a departure terminal for flights in historical airplanes, such as the "raisin bomber". Preparation for this experience takes place with a reception for the flight guests and a historical documentary. The lighting integrates itself compactly into the surrounding surfaces.

      Building type
      In­fra­struc­ture, Recre­ation
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Altes Stadthaus


      To illuminate this imposing building, a patented spotlight system with projection glasses was used for the first time in Germany. Using this state-of-the-art technology, the facade is lit horizontally, free of glare, and very energy-efficiently. The power consumption is 2 kW, less than 1 Watt per square meter of facade.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Bethmann Colonnades


      In the course of renovating a Frankfurt law office dating from the 1960’s, an 80 m long colonnade was built and illuminated. 
      The colonnade is given rhythm through the alternation of supporting elements and openings. The goal of the lighting design was to emphasize this rhythm in its spatial structure.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth


      New construction of the Federal Ministry along the Glinkastrasse connected up with the pre-war buildings in the Taubenstrasse and Jägerstrasse.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Limbecker Square


      The ultimate shopping center: in the heart of downtown Essen, an urban shopping center was built with an area of approximately 70,000 sqm. Kardorff Ingenieure designed the illumination of the facade with reflective, hemispherical, sequin-like LED specifically designed for this purpose. By day when the sun is shining, the mirror surfaces glisten, and by night, colorful dynamic light scenes appear on the 15,000 sqm large facade.

      Building type
      Re­tail, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Essen
      Project time frame
    • Market Place Neubrandenburg


      The market place in Neubrandenburg has always formed the center of this “town of four gates” in the Mecklenburg lake district. The central element of the lighting design is formed by ten meter-high light poles which, in their deliberate proportions, respond to the generous size of the square. Through the light poles, a spatial arrangement was created that gives the square a formal composition.
      German Lighting Design Award 2011Category: Public spaces

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Neubrandenburg
      Project time frame
    • Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park 3


      The residential buildings on Potsdamer Platz are made of a natural stone foundation and stuccoed walls. The lighting for the colonnades, lobby, and all public areas was designed by us.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • The New Museum


      Another milestone for our team: the lighting of a world heritage site and a large, internationally famous collection. In 2009, after ten years of intensive planning, we were able to handover the realized lighting concept in the restored Neues Museum. The discreet light atmosphere and the soft, yet precise
      illumination of the objects – particularly Nefertiti – are highly admired by museum specialists and visitors. For the overall architecture, David Chipperfield received the 2011 German Architecture Prize, among other recognitions.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • RheinBerg Galerie


      With the RheinBerg Galerie, the city center of Bergisch-Gladbach has acquired a new retail shopping center.

      Building type
      Re­tail, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Bergisch Gladbach
      Project time frame
    • Hotel Berlin Berlin


      The original Hotel Berlin, founded in 1958, was an important post-war site for culture and society. Today, Berlin’s third
      largest hotel embodies both this past and a modern hotel operation with approximately 700 rooms and suites.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • 3-Leipziger


      At Leipziger Strasse 126, a new office building was constructed. The residential and commercial buildings “The 3 Leipziger” distinguish themselves through a top inner-city location on Leipziger Platz and Potsdamer Platz, across from the historic Bundesrat building and the Federal Ministry of Finance.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • My Zeil


      The shopping center My Zeil captivates through its funnel-shaped, structured glass facade facing the Zeil that lets in lots of daylight into the interior. As a result, a light and airy atmosphere exists on all of the building’s eight levels.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • O2 Arena


      With a seating and standing capacity for 17,000 plus 59 suites, the O2 World Arena is the second largest multi-functional hall in Germany. The lighting concept for the public areas, facade, and the arena itself originates from Kardorff Ingenieure.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Europa Passage


      The Europa Passage connects the shopping district on the Mönckebergstrasse with the Jungfernstieg and offers high-quality retail stores housed in elegant architecture. A lighting design was developed which not only corresponds to the architecture in its clarity, but also allows individual shops room to create
      their own setting. The emphasis of the architectural structure through light contributes significantly to the exterior effect of the building.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Hamburg
      Project time frame
    • Schloss Elmau


      Steeped in tradition, Schloss Elmau was built in 1916 as a cultural meeting place for friends and artists, and following a fire, redeveloped into a five-star cultural hideaway and several luxury spas. The mood of the light at this special place is influenced by warm gold reflections which are reminiscent of sun and moonlight when walking through the rooms, the four restaurants and the three luxury spas. The likewise warm-toned guestrooms allow for variations in mood with custom-designed
      and easy to use luminaires.

      Building type
      Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, Cul­ture
      Europe, Germany, Elmau
      Project time frame
    • Schloss-Straßen-Center


      The Schloss-Straßen-Center unites a diverse group of 30 specialty shops onto three levels. It is located in one of Berlin’s most popular and commercially most competitive shopping

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Castle Ziesar


      The old fortress structure is a modern center for culture and administration with the museum for medieval church and cultural history in Brandenburg, the chapel, the Bergfried tower, the local historical museum, the tourist information, the library, and the Ziesar government office.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Cul­ture, Mu­se­um, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Ziesar
      Project time frame
    • Alexanderplatz


      The lighting concept underpins the spatial proportions of the square. The luminaires outline its polygonal shape, showcasing the fountain, the world clock, and the entrances to the underground train.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Bebelplatz


      Bebelplatz is one of Berlin’s most important urban squares on the main boulevard Unter den Linden. Framed by historical buildings, such as the State Opera, Cathedral of St. Hedwig, and the Humboldt University, the square is defined at nightfall by
      the uniformly lit facades. For this project, we developed a light pole which unites all the necessary modules into one very minimized form.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • O2 Headquarters - Uptown Munich


      The 146 meter-high office high-rise presents itself as the new landmark in direct proximity to the Munich Olympic Stadium. Characteristic are the rounded glass corners on the building’s crown and in the floor plan, as well as the single-wall glass facade with electrically controlled quarter windows for natural ventilation of the office space.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
    • Rocco Forte Grand Hotel de Rome


      The Hotel de Rome is located on Bebelplatz in direct proximity to the grand boulevard Unter den Linden. This beautifully restored historical structure, built in 1889 by the architect and master mason Ludwig Heim, was the main seat of the Dresdner Bank until 1945.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Steigenberger Hotel "Frankfurter Hof"


      The five-star hotel Frankfurter Hof is one of the best addresses in Frankfurt am Main. Across from the Commerzbank, Germany’s tallest skyscraper, the hotel’s impressive location on Kaiserplatz is extraordinary.

      Building type
      Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • AutoUni Mobile Life Campus


      With the “Mobile Life Campus”, the Volkswagen AutoUni developed a new type of university. The master plan by HENN Architekten intended for five main buildings, a boarding house, and a communications forum on the 15 hectare-large area. Kardorff Ingenieure designed the artificial and natural lighting.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Cul­ture
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • E-Werk


      The former electric power substation now listed for historical preservation has become a popular venue in Berlin Mitte since 2005. The closed character of the industrial structure was transformed into a light, modern office building opening out into the city. Kardorff Ingenieure designed the entire interior and
      exterior lighting.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Mon­u­ment
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • E.ON Ruhrgas


      With this new building, E.ON Ruhrgas AG sets an example in terms of energy-efficient urban architecture. The main energy expenditure is reduced by 40% when compared to an administrative building following the traditional standard. The two elliptical office towers are each 63 m high and are connected by a glass atrium flooded with light.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Essen
      Project time frame
    • GAP 15


      In 2005 at the end of the renowned Königsalle in Düsseldorf, a 23-floor high-rise for Ernst&Young was built. Our light concept for the building includes the importance of its impact
      from a distance for the entire urban area. The dynamic basic design of the structure is underlined by a linear lighting pattern that becomes fainter as the lines travel toward the opposite ends. The project was overseen by our team during all phases ranging from the overall effect at night and the lighting of the workstations to the subterranean parking area and the daylight planning.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Düsseldorf
      Project time frame
    • Globushouse Gottorf


      With its new globe of Gottorf, the new Globe House on the grounds of Gottorf Palace has become a noted international attraction since its opening in 2005.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Gottdorf
      Project time frame
    • House Huth


      Haus Huth is the only building on Potsdamer Platz originating from the German Empire that has survived the tumultuous history of Berlin virtually unscathed. It currently houses the Berlin office of the DaimlerChrysler concern.
      The house, unlit until 2004, was hauled out of the darkness by the lighting design of Kardorff Ingenieure and now stands with presence in its old place surrounded on all sides by modern architecture.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Sky Office


      The 89-meter high Sky Office introduces itself as a new landmark on the Kennedyallee in Düsseldorf and offers a splendid view. The design by Ingenhoven Architects distinguishes itself through its high degree of transparency, overall sculptural shape, and roof as a crowning finish.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Düsseldorf
      Project time frame
    • Berlin Cathedral


      The Berlin Cathedral was built as a baroque-influenced Italian high-renaissance structure. The eastern facade is lit by only two light poles standing on the other side of the Spree’s bank.

      Building type
      Mon­u­ment, Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • CarDesign Studio Wolfsburg


      The Future Lab at the Konzernforum in the car-manufacturing city of Wolfsburg thematizes the process of automotive design. Along with current design studies, visitors can gather insights into the multi-facetted work of designers and have the possibility of creating their own car designs using CarDesigner.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • Paris Square


      The illumination of Pariser Platz emphasizes the horizontal areas. There is no direct lighting of the building facades. As an historical monument, the Brandenburg Gate is placed at the focus and is illuminated deep into its structure.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Taunusanlage Frankfurt


      A shadow study was performed at the request of the Allianz Immobilien GmbH regarding the construction project at Taunausanlage 20 in Frankfurt am Main. We examined the influence of different building heights in terms of shading the nearby Opernplatz. For the shadow study, a three-dimensional urban model was created, and qualitative and quantitative evaluations were generated using our own software.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • BMW Research and Innovation Center (FIZ)


      The newest models of the BMW Group are designed at the Research and Innovation Center. Project groups with up to 100 employees work together in flexible, two-storey open rooms. Natural and artificial light interplay optimally in all areas of
      the building. Its external appearance at night has also been taken into account. The desk lamps specially designed for all of the workstations underscore the corporate design.

      Building type
      Of­fice, In­dus­try
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
    • KaDeWe – Department Store


      For its 100th anniversary, the famous department store was revamped. The goal was to create a pleasant, yet elegant shopping atmosphere. The high-class display areas are
      given identity through clear placement of the lights and targeted light accents for the aisle ways. Particular attention was paid to well-designed ceiling areas.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Museum for Prehistory and Early History


      In 2004 the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte was restored and completely rearranged. We designed the lighting for the areas open to the public, including the vitrine lighting.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • DomAquarée


      The CityQuartier DomAquarée with a total rental space of 70,000 m2 not only offers individual shopping opportunities and gastronomical highlights, elegant apartments, flexible office spaces, and the four-star Radisson Blu Hotel, but
      also the SeaLife Center and a GDR museum.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Re­tail, Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, Res­i­den­tial, Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • UEC Tower 1


      Material studies were performed for the foyer and the special areas of Tower 1. The planned use of high-grade steel wall and ceiling liners was assessed in terms of light actinism. The images show in reflections of the luminaires how the direction of rolling and the surface pattern influence the light reflection.

      The project was not realized.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • French Dome


      The French Dome stands on one of the most beautiful squares in Berlin, the Gendarmenmarkt, and is part of an architectural ensemble with the Deutscher Dom (New Church) and the Schauspielhaus.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Grand Hotel Heiligendamm


      Heiligendamm, the first and most elegant of the German seaside resorts, has picked up on its earlier tradition with the Grand Hotel. The complex atmospheres of this large area from urban – rural to public – private are underlined by the external lighting. In keeping with the very dark nocturnal atmosphere on the coast, the facades are minimally lit, as if by moonlight.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Heiligendamm
      Project time frame
    • Space Park Bremen


      Bremen is home to Germany’s largest integrated shopping and entertainment center. The two construction complexes are lit up as a space ship and its docking station. In addition, the lighting design encompasses the shopping mall, food court with themed restaurants, a cinema complex, and a “space shot” (a catapult-like amusement ride).

      Building type
      Re­tail, Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Bremen
      Project time frame
    • Allianz A-Building


      A skylight covers the historic foyer. The original backlighting with linear fluorescent lamps did not give off any luminance and caused irritating images on the radial glass panes. The pendant luminaires placed at intervals give off a warm light in the interior space and form rings in the listral glass panes.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
    • Allianz Kai Frankfurt


      In 2002 on the Theodor-Stern-Kai am Main, with a direct view of the Frankfurt skyline, the new office and service center for nine Allianz insurance companies with approximately 2,500 employees was constructed. Kardorff Ingenieure designed the lighting for all of the special areas and the illumination of the facade.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Frankfurt am Main
      Project time frame
    • BCG - Boston Consulting Group


      For the BCG headquarter in Munich, the goals of the corporate architecture were analyzed before designing the light concept. Kardorff Ingenieure supplemented its team with sociologists, psychologists and business administrators.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
    • Brandenburg Gate


      A milestone for Kardorff Ingenieure Lighting Design: first place in the 2000 competition for the illumination of the Brandenburg Gate, the national symbol of Germany’s history. After completion in 2002, one of the most-photographed monuments could finally be captured in uniform light color. The lighting emphasizes the gate as the most important structure on Pariser Platz and strengthens its silhouette in the long axis stretching from the Tiergarten all the way to the historic center of Berlin. (See also: Pariser Platz and Unter den Linden)
      Video Brandenburg Gate (Video by Linus Lintner)

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Friedrich-Carré Haus 148


      Within the glassed-in area facing the Friedrichstrasse, a thin rod of light (height: 21 m) was installed at a slightly tilted angle. Through its multiple reflections on the surrounding glass, a separate lighted space is created.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Friedrich-Carré Haus 60


      We designed a solar reflecting system for the narrow lighted courtyard (5 x 5 m) in the residential building in the Friedrich-Carré. The rays of sun are reflected all the way down to the bottom of the courtyard. The mirrors are set at steep angles and provide for minimal shadowing of the direct incident light.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Berlin Picture Gallery


      The lighting was adapted for a sculpture exhibit in the hall of the Gemäldegalerie.  The light fixture designed by Christoph Sattler and Thomas Albrecht was completed by us in terms of lighting technology. Targeted illumination of the sculptures made the desired three-dimensional presentation of the individual exhibits possible.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Gläserne Manufaktur Dresden


      In Dresden, VW constructs its vehicles in a completely different way: in a production site made of glass visible to all. The light behind the transparent facades puts the production process on stage. Reflectors shine warm-toned, glare-free light
      directly on the high-quality industrial workplaces with studio character and, at the same time, avoid any exterior light emission to protect the adjacent nature park. The light follows the route of the vehicles until handover to the customers. Stage lighting for performances and cultural events complements this
      extraordinary presentation of the automobile.

      Building type
      Of­fice, In­dus­try, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Dresden
      Project time frame
    • Light Master Plan Unter den Linden


      The light master plan covers the historic Berlin Mitte. The master plan was drawn up in such detail that the city and future planners will have direct information on the implementation. Now nearly ten years later, the master plan has been almost completely realized.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • St. Canisius’ Church


      The new church building includes the surrounding urban areas in its spatial design concept. The structure consists of an open and closed cube. The interior design of the church is conceived of as circular.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Pforzheim City Library


      The center of the city library is formed by the foyer with its “reading eye”. This double ring of luminous ceiling and skylight combines daylight with an artificial light source. The different library levels are oriented around this open central hall.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Pforzheim
      Project time frame
    • VW Pavilion Autostadt Wolfsburg


      The Volkswagen pavilion is located in the car-manufacturing center, Wolfsburg. The truncated VW logo radiates light from blue neon tubes out into the interior.

      Building type
      Recre­ation, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
      2000 — 2002
    • Bar am Gendarmenmarkt


      The red lacquered walls with the mounted glossy panels of picture size form the basic design element of the Bar am Gendarmenmarkt. The light connects these two surfaces. A light color was selected which lets the coral red of the wall glow.
      Over the bar, a luminous ceiling which shimmers in a mellow red was hung down into the room.

      Building type
      Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • BUGA - Federal Garden Show, Potsdam


      The German Federal Garden Show (BUGA) took place in 2001 at the 65 hectare-large Volkspark in Potsdam. The mast-mounted luminaires are laced through the landscape like a pearl necklace. The different heights of the lighting heads were made possible by the specially designed installation adapter.

      Building type
      Recre­ation, Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Potsdam
      Project time frame
    • Office Schillstraße


      This Berlin office building was built by the architects Pysall/Rollenhagen from 1972 to 1974. Remodeling and modernization took place in 1999-2001 and were carried out under partial continued use.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Indian Embassy, Berlin


      The new construction of the Indian Embassy in Berlin’s Tiergartenstrasse appears on the outside as cuboid with an interior cylindrical atrium. A soft lighting of the entire building is achieved from the peripheral security fence.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Kraft Foods "J_Cups"


      The futuristic coffee shop concept was developed for reproduction all across Germany. An innovative interior design, beverage and service concept was to contrast with the established coffee shop franchises. The lack of acceptance regarding the coffee products put an end to the experiment.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Sculpture by Frank Stella


      The sculpture by Frank Stella was examined using extensive light tests while still in storage at the art dealer’s in order to determine its range of effects. The empirically established light positions were geometrically transferred to the foyer and the lighting fixtures installed before the piece of art was mounted.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
    • Allianz connecting tunnel


      A tunnel passageway is turned into a scene of mixed colors through the lighting and color design. One enters a blue tunnel, but along the way the blue of the accordion-like walls loses its saturation and becomes superimposed by a yellow that increases in its intensity. On the way back, the experience replays itself in reverse.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
    • BCG- Boston Consulting Group, Berlin


      For the new branch office of the Boston Consulting Group, it was necessary to create a contemporary atmosphere that would particularly appeal to the young consultants and reflect Berlin’s image as a place of awakening.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Allianz AG Representative Office Berlin


      A lighting solution was required for a conference room that would allow the user to not only use the light to respond to specific moods, but that would also allow for an unsurreptitious, continual, daylight-oriented, change in lighting. An elliptical luminous ceiling was equipped with diverse lamps which create the necessary color spectrum.

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Allianz Management Institute


      In Kempfenhausen on the shores of Starnberger See, the Allianz has a training center for its management. A subsequently built subterranean lecture hall was to be provided with daylight to the best extent possible.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Kempfenhausen
      Project time frame
    • BMW Desk Lamp "Circle"


      The Circle desk lamp was developed exclusively for BMW. With its handle of hand-sewn leather and casing in a cooling fins look, the lamp cites elements of motorcycle design. Analogous to the motorcycle, which embodies the most individual form of
      transportation, the lamp stands for individual light.  Design 2000

      Building type
      Of­fice, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Munich
      Project time frame
    • Forum Neukolln


      The objective of the lighting concept was to do justice to the organic layout through random placement of the lighting fixtures. The type of luminaire developed for this has different lamps with which two lighting milieus – day and evening – can be switched on.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Niketown Berlin


      The design for Europe‘s first Niketown in 1997 was very complex. Each sport is showcased in its own pavilion and receives individual lighting. The illumination of the shelves was coordinated with the products in a series of tests.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Oase in Weserpark Bremen


      Germany’s largest sauna complex underneath a dome with a 50 m diameter requires a spectacular and, at the same time, energy-efficient lighting design.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Bremen
      Project time frame
    • Procter & Gamble Research Center


      The research and administrative building for Procter & Gamble is located in Schwalbach am Taunus. The labs and open office areas are arranged around a glass-roofed atrium. Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung was responsible for the daylight design of the facade, atrium and roof.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Schwalbach am Taunus
      Project time frame
    • VW Konzernforum


      The VW Autostadt in Wolfsburg is located directly on the Mittellandkanal and parallel to the inter-city express rail line Berlin - Hanover. Based on an artist’s design, Kardorff Ingenieure came up with the technical solution. A drawn curtain of
      light opens the way to the entrance and allows for a view into the Autostadt.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Wolfsburg
      Project time frame
    • Pergamon Museum


      In 1997, a daylight and artificial lighting concept was developed for all the rooms with skylights in the Pergamon Museum. For the first time, a computer simulation of the daylight, including even the falling of shadows on the exhibits, was conducted.

      Building type
      Cul­ture, Mu­se­um
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Wall Litfass Pillar


      In 1997, we developed a lighting system for a Litfass pillar that received a patent. Only in 2010 was it possible to begin serial production after advertising systems had improved in terms of quality and increased in price. A 70W, central metal vapor
      lamp homogenously lights the placard surfaces.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • Siemens City Berlin


      For the Siemens AG, a light master plan was developed for the 100th anniversary of the Siemensstadt in Berlin. This master plan highlighted the highly urban qualities of this quarter with light. As a first step, the building on the Rohrdamm received a new illumination of its facade.

      Building type
      Ur­ban Space
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
    • ZVK Berlin


      Kardorff Ingenieure conducted a study of the effect on working conditions by a light-deflecting slatted window blind and a light reflector on the ceiling. The design of the natural light system was done by Bartenbach Lichtlabor in 1996.

      Building type
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
      1996 — 1997
    • Gloria Gallery


      The commercial building Gloria Galerie on the Kurfürstendamm was completely renovated. The symmetrical facade has been underscored by a lighted gateway which also outlines the main entrance. This was the first project undertaken by Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung after its founding in 1997.

      Building type
      Re­tail, Lu­mi­naire
      Europe, Germany, Berlin
      Project time frame
All results